While epoxy flooring is one of the top flooring options available on the market today for both commercial and residential purposes, the good has to come with some bad. While the pros of epoxy flooring outweigh the cons of epoxy flooring by metric tons, they are still there and must be noted. Today we are going to take a close look into the pros and cons of the epoxy flooring system.

Pro- Durability
Epoxy flooring is possibly the strongest flooring option available on the market having been tested and proven to make a concrete slab up to 300 percent stronger and last typically 2-3 times longer. That not even the best part, epoxy flooring is able to resist damage from items that have been dropped on it, scratches and abrasions from daily life, and even the effects from the heavy vehicle and foot traffic that many commercial garages see. No other flooring option is able to deal with as much abuse as an epoxy flooring system.

Con- Super Hard Surface
The top benefit of an epoxy flooring system can actually be one of its greatest problems, especially in the residential setting. The super hard surface of an epoxy flooring can actually cause serious injury in the instance of someone tripping on something and falling directly onto the epoxy flooring. There have been reports of even broken bones by epoxy flooring, these cases are mostly from elderly folk and children but they can hurt anyone. The super hard surface is also not the best area to drop a fragile object on. If any glass or other fragile material falls on an epoxy flooring system, you might as well kiss them goodbye as soon as they leave your hand.

Pro- Unlimited Customization
One of the coolest features of an epoxy flooring system is the amount of design that you can apply to the flooring. Epoxy flooring is like the playground for the imagination because if you can think it, you can create it with an epoxy flooring system. There is a huge selection of colors, the option to use flakes that can be colored or plain, and even the use of metallic pigments. There are even options for the extreme enthusiast! With an epoxy flooring system, you can place your favorite logo or emblem directly into the flooring to show off how proud you are of your favorite sports team or brand! There are no bounds on what you can create by using an epoxy flooring system in your home or in your business facility!

Con- Hard To DIY
While there are many different ways that epoxy flooring can be customized, they are very hard to do without proper training. Epoxy flooring is never recommended to DIY as the materials available to civilians without licenses are subpar so you will be stuck with the crumby watered down epoxy kits that are found at the local hardware store. When it comes to the customization of epoxy when you do it yourself, it is very easy to ruin and once the epoxy dries, there is no way to fix your mistakes. The only way you can fix your epoxy is preparing the surface, restarting the entire process.