Do you have a garage floor that needs to be repaired or coated? Choosing the right garage epoxy installer can be very hard in the Phoenix area, but it is important to have epoxy installed by a certified professional. Trying to install epoxy on your own can lead to so many issues and possible mistakes during the installation, and this can lead to extra costs and installation times.

This guide will go through the many reasons to choose a professional to install garage epoxy at your home or business. Many people will opt to save money by doing the job by themselves, but the benefits of choosing a professional installer far outway the savings.

Added Value

Garage epoxy is a great way to add value to your home or business. Epoxy coatings are very affordable to maintain, and the added life an epoxy coating brings to flooring is a huge money saver. Added value is one of the many benefits of using a professional garage epoxy installer for your flooring installation.

Avoiding Repair Costs

One of the biggest complications of choosing to DIY an epoxy floor installation is that it can cause cracking and chipping. Many do-it-yourselfers will not properly prepare the area of application or not cure the epoxy correctly, and this will lead to serious cracks and chips forming on the flooring.

Increased Durability

Garage epoxy is one of the most durable concrete coatings on the market and can give any floor years of additional life. Epoxy is water and stain resistant and is the perfect flooring option for any garage floor. Garage floors take a lot of abuse, and by adding epoxy flooring, your floors will last for decades.

Aesthetically Pleasing

By updating your concrete flooring with a garage epoxy installer, you can enjoy the added aesthetic benefits of a clean and glossy surface that is easy to keep up with. Epoxy-coated floors are incredibly popular in garages as they make cleaning much easier than traditional concrete due to their seamless surfaces and lack of dirt and grime retention.

Seamless Repairs

In addition to the aesthetic benefits, epoxy flooring can also make it easier for you to repair any damage that may occur over time. A professional garage epoxy installer will make sure your epoxy flooring is seamlessly patched and repaired if needed. This helps ensure that any damage to your garage stays hidden while also making it easier for you to keep up with maintenance in the future.

Fast and Simple Installation

A certified garage epoxy installer in the Phoenix area can help you quickly and easily update the appearance of your garage with a new epoxy-coated floor. This process is much faster than other concrete flooring installations, as the epoxy coating can be applied in a single day. Plus, with minimal disruption to your life and no need for extensive preparation, it’s a great way to upgrade your garage with minimal effort.

Professionals Get The Right Epoxy Mix Ratio

Properly mixing your epoxy is essential to ensure you get the best results. A certified garage epoxy installer in Phoenix will have the correct mix ratio and can properly apply the epoxy coating to your garage floor. This will ensure that you have a long-lasting, damage-resistant floor that looks great and can handle your garage’s daily wear and tear.

The Proper Primer

Many homeowners don’t realize the importance of having a properly prepared garage floor before applying the epoxy. An experienced garage epoxy installer will ensure that the proper primer is used to ensure the epoxy coating will bond properly and last for years. Failure to use the proper primer will cause your epoxy coating to peel and flake.

Updated Techniques and Equipment

A professional garage epoxy installer in the Phoenix area will also be up to date on the latest techniques and use only high-quality equipment. This helps ensure that your garage floor looks great and lasts for a long time. With the right installers, you can trust that your new epoxy-coated garage floor will look great and provide years of protection.

Unlimited Customization Options

Finally, with a professional garage epoxy installer in Phoenix, you can customize and personalize your garage floor to fit your exact taste. With a wide range of colors, patterns, and textures available, you can create a one-of-a-kind look for your garage that is sure to turn heads.

For more information about hiring a professional garage epoxy installer in the Phoenix area, contact us today to get started.